Apr 22, 2008

the most common mineral on the earth

quartz... in all it's many forms and varieties, accounts for about 12% of the earth's crust by volume. this necklace features three types: smoky quartz, rutilated quartz (threads of gold are suspended in the stone) and citrine. so sparkly... so pretty...

Apr 19, 2008

art and commerce

...or should i say craft and commerce? i can only think that the ongoing and inane debate about what qualifies as "art" and what is relegated to "craft" is primarily about ego and pretense.

i've been at my work table quite a lot lately. the buckman art show and sell (you know - like "show and tell") was a success! perhaps it's pathetic, but i'm often a little sad to see a piece go. most of my creations are one-of-a-kind and all are things i would and do wear. basically, i just make things i like. the fact that other people feel the same and want to buy them is a surreal bonus.

my Etsy website is filling up. check it out.

Apr 2, 2008

that was then...this is now

last week - spring break - snowing, hailing, sleeting, raining. see pic 1

this week - not spring break - gorgeous, sunny, warm. see pic 2