Feb 28, 2008

a window into...

the right side of my brain...

a picture of some beads and bits and bobs that inspire me. i marry them together into something pleasing (hopefully) sell them and send them on their way. many of my treasures are vintage - found at estate sales and all over. they've already lived one life - boy do i wish they could tell me of their travels - and are on to a new one. pretty cool huh?

i'm a blog neophyte so i'll be feeling my way along the gravelly shoulder of the digital highway. bear with me.

1 comment:

MJV said...

Consider yourself borne. I like your comment about learning the "story" of the things you find a estate sales. As you have, we recently moved into an older house owned for almost 50 years by an elderly couple we've never met. Every day brings a new clue as to how they lived--a nail hole here, a scuff on the floor there. It's all a big detective story and we get to make up almost all of it as we find new tidbits. Great stuff.